To remove a job or volunteer listing, please follow these instructions:
Step 1: Go to and Sign In to your EMPLOYER account.
Step 2: Scroll down the page and click on the title of your active listing that you would like to remove.
Step 3: Click PAUSE at the top right of the page. This will remove your listing from the CharityVillage website. Once the deadline has passed that you initially selected for your job or volunteer listing to expire, the status will change from "paused" to "expire" in your employer dashboard.
Step 4: Click OK on the pop-up box that appears, asking if you are sure you want to pause your listing.
Step 5: Your listing is now PAUSED and removed from the CharityVillage website.
Click DASHBOARD located to the left-hand side of the page to return you to the main page in your account. You will now see the PAUSE icon.
Step 6:If you have changed your mind and would like to un-pause your listing, just click on the title of your listing on your dashboard and click UNPAUSE.
Have questions? Please contact our National Help Desk at 1-800-610-8134 or email