To edit your job or volunteer listing, please follow these instructions:
Step 1: Login to your CharityVillage employer account.
Step 2: Scroll down the page and click on the title of the listing you wish to edit.
Step 3: Click EDIT at the top right of the page.
ARE YOU WONDERING WHERE TO SELECT/ADD INFORMATION FOR HOW YOU WOULD LIKE APPLICANTS TO APPLY? Scroll down the posting form and select one of the three available options under the heading *HOW TO APPLY*.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you select the first option for applicants to apply directly to you, make sure to add the email address and any other relevant information the candidate needs to apply in the box that will appear after you select this option.
Step 4: Make sure to click SAVE at the bottom once you are finished. That's all you have to do!
Edits to your listing can take up to an hour to appear on your live listing.
Step 5: This step will only appear if you need to reactivate your listing. Just select the Republish Job button that will appear after the SAVE button.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You cannot edit the listing start date once your listing has been submitted to go live.
Edits to your listing can take up to an hour to appear.
If you edit the title of your listing, it will go back into PENDING APPROVAL mode. This means your local Account Manager must review your listing before approving it to go live on our site.
Have questions? Please email