How do I add another user to my account?

Step 1: Login to your CharityVillage employer account.


Step 2:
Click MY SETTINGS in the menu on the left side of the page and then USERS.

Step 3:
Click Add User + located at the top right of the page.

Step 4:
Enter the user's information and level of access to the account.

1. Add the user's name and email address they will use to access this account.

2. Under SECURITY GROUP, select Limited Access, Recruiter, or Administrator from the drop down menu.

Limited access allows the user to access the account, but they cannot add or delete users.

Administrator gives the individual full access to the account where they can add and delete users and post a job or volunteer listing.

Recruiter - are concerned about job statistics, candidate pool and the content of the job or volunteer listing being posted. Their major role is to take actions like shortlist/reject candidates who applied to their posting and the applicants are stored in the CharityVillage employer account.

Recruiters have access to an employer account with the following restrictions:
They cannot edit or add users to the employer account
They cannot edit the employer profile
They cannot add or edit organizational profiles
They cannot make a purchase of the product valued at greater than $0
They cannot see the account invoice history

IMPORTANT: Recruiters can post a job if the required credit balance for the posting is already available in the account. They can also draft a listing which can be posted later by any user on the account with Administrator or Limited Access privileges.

Step 5: Once are you done, click the green, CREATE USER button. The user will receive an email inviting them to join your employer account. 

Step 6:
Your dashboard will confirms the user has been created. You can edit their information and level of access at any time by using the pencil icon.

Want to delete a user? Click the red (x) button beside their name.


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