How do I create a Job posting?

Step 1: To create a job posting, please go to CharityVillage, hover your mouse over LOGIN and then click EMPLOYER LOGIN.

If you don't have an EMPLOYER account, click here to sign up for one.



Step 2: Once you have signed into your account, you are automatically brought to your Employer dashboard.

Click Post a Job/Volunteer Listing from the left hand side of your dashboard OR click POST A JOB at the top of the navigation menu.



Step 3: There are two types of job postings to choose from.

Select Nonprofit Job Posting ($298 + taxes) if you are a nonprofit or charitable organization.

Select Forprofit Job Posting ($398 + taxes) if you are a forprofit organization serving the nonprofit sector.

For more information regarding who can post job listings with CharityVillage, click here.




Step 4: For this example, we will choose Nonprofit Job Posting. The cost is $298 + taxes and you will notice this amount has been added under ORDER SUMMARY to the right of the page. 

Job BOOST ($49+taxes) is optional, but highly recommended. By selecting this option, your job posting will be highlighted and remain at the top of the job search results until it expires, increasing the numbers of applications submitted.



Step 5: Scroll down the page and fill in the following information:




A) Select the Date for your Listing to Appear on CharityVillage - Select the date you wish your job posting to appear on the CharityVillage job board. Please ensure this date is accurate, as it cannot be changed once you have submitted it to go live.

B) Application Deadline - The date your job posting will be removed from the
CharityVillage job board at 11:59 pm EST. The date you select can be a maximum of 60 days from the listing start date.
Please Note: you can adjust your deadline an unlimited amount of times within the 60-day period.

C) Job Title - Please check the accuracy of the job title. It cannot be changed once your posting has been submitted.

D) Work Type - Choose the location where the individual must complete their duties.

Onsite - This position is office-based. A country or state/province is required.

- This position is home-office based. A country or state/province location is NOT required unless the individual must reside in a specific city or province.

- This position is both office and home-based (flexible location). A country or state/province location is required. Input the location(s) in the next field called, LOCATION.

E) Location - You can input one or more locations in this field. 

F) Short Description - Enter a brief description of your position. This is your chance to entice job seekers to view your job posting, as this description appears on the job results page as well as a jobseeker's job alert.

G) Full Description - Select one of the two options available.

i) Upload a PDF document of the job description or add the URL of your external listing to embed as an iframe. Click here for instructions!
ii) Type or copy the information about the position, qualifications, etc., into the box. Click here to learn tips on how to write an effective job posting.

How do you want applicants to apply?

H) Select this option and another box will appear. Enter the instructions on how applicants are to apply to your job posting.

I) Select this option and add a URL if you would like to direct applicants to your website or a specific web page to apply.

J) Select this option if you would like to manage applications through your Employer dashboard. This option allows you to track, organize and communicate with applicants directly from your dashboard.


IF YOU SELECT TO MANAGE APPLICATIONS THROUGH YOUR EMPLOYER DASHBOARD (CharityVillage's Applicant Tracking System), you will be given the option to enable screening questions.

These additional questions can help you screen applicants for the must-have skills needed to perform the job. Example; Do you have a driver's license? Click here to learn how to set up screening questions.

If you select to enable screening questions, the next page is where you will create your question(s).Screening_questions.jpg


K) Job Type - Select the type of job you are posting.

L) Job Categories - Choose the job category or categories from the drop down menu to further define your position.

M) Salary - Choose the salary range or add the precise base salary.  Although this is optional (except for BC employers),  including salary or a range will improve application rates, candidate fit, transparency, equity and inclusion.

Important note to BC Employers: As of November 1, 2023, new legislation within the Pay Transparency Act require BC employers to include Salary or Wage information on publicly advertised job postings.

N) Organization Focus - Select your organization focus from the drop down menu. You can select more than one.

O) Career Level - Select the career level for your position.



R) Organization - If you have more than one organization attached to your account, choose from the drop down menu.

S) Confidential - To hide your organization name from your job posting, click this box.

T) Organization Logo - Upload your organization logo from your computer.

U) Preview Job - Click the button to view how your job will appear once it goes live.

V) Save - If you don't want to publish your listing right now, just choose Save. You can access your listing and finish it from your Employer dashboard.

W) Proceed - Click PROCEED to continue to the next page.


Step 6: The Products & Packages page not only allows you to view your total before taxes, but it gives you the opportunity to add any additional purchases. Just scroll down the page and select those you wish to add.

If you would like to remove an item from your Order Summary, just erase the number beside the total and it will disappear. Once you are satisfied with the items in your Order Summary, click PROCEED.



Step 7: The Networks to Post To page allows you to select and have your job posted to the TalentEgg and BMeaningful job boards (our sister companies), free of charge

Just be sure to read the description to decide whether your job would be a good fit. Once you are finished on this page, click PROCEED.



Step 8: The Review Order page provides a summary of the items you have added to your shopping cart, the details of your posting like job title, the date you are wanting your job listing to appear on CharityVillage, your logo (if included), total amount before taxes and the short summary that will appear in job alerts and job results pages.

If you would like to go back to a page and make changes, simply click one of the circles at the top to bring you to the desired page.

Once you have finished reviewing your order, click PROCEED.


Step 9: The Checkout page is where you fill in your billing information, choose your payment method and apply your coupon code, if applicable.

A) Billing Address - Fill in your organization's billing information. Please Note: if you are paying by credit card, this address does not have to match what is registered to the credit card.

B) Send copy of the invoice/receipt to the following email address - You can add more than one email address to send the invoice/receipt to. Just separate each email with a comma.

C) Add note to invoice email - If you would like to add a note to the invoice email, please add it in this field. If you need to add a PO number, please add it in this field.

D) Use A Coupon Code - If you have a coupon code, please enter it in this field and click the "Apply Coupon Code" button. If the code is valid, it will be applied to the total price at the bottom right of the page.

E) Select Payment Method - You can choose to pay by invoice or by credit card.

Pay by Invoice - If you choose to pay by invoice, click PLACE ORDER. You will have 30 days to pay the total amount. 

Pay by Credit Card - If you choose to pay by credit card, click MAKE PAYMENT. Please Note: The name and address on the credit card information page must match what is registered to that credit card.





Step 10: After choosing your payment method, proceed with next steps. If you chose to pay by credit card, you will see the Receipt page says PAID at the top left of the receipt. If you pay by invoice, the message will say NOT PAID and the invoice will provide the information on who to contact to make payment.

To review your credits and invoices, select Back to Credits and invoices at the top left of the page. To review your Order Summary, click Back to Order Summary.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your job posting automatically goes into PENDING APPROVAL, regardless of the payment method you choose. Your local Account Manager has 24 hrs to review and approve all job postings in their territory. Normally, job postings are approved within 1-2 hours unless you post after business hours during the week OR you post on a weekend which CharityVillage is closed. Once your job posting has been approved, you will receive notification from your Account Manger that it's been approved and is now live on the job board.





Have questions about posting a job? Please email




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