How do I create an eReference survey from the questions I created?
Step 1: Click here to login to your refsavvy account. Click SURVEYS from the left-hand side of dashboard and then the CREATE button at the top right.
Step 2: Click Create a Survey and then CONTINUE.
IMPORTANT NOTEthe option to generate a survey is currently under construction.
Step 3: Fill in the required fields at the top of the page and then drag and drop the questions you wish to use in your survey.
a) Survey Name: We suggest using the title of the job or volunteer listing.
b) Survey Type: Select either Employment Reference (paid position) or Volunteer Reference (unpaid position) from the drop-down menu.
c) Tags: Add tags to make the survey easily searchable.
d) Survey View: Leave the selection as is. No other options are currently available) From the Available Questions box on the left, scroll through and drag each question you wish to appear in this survey to the box on the right called, This Survey's Questions.
At the bottom of the Available Questions box, there is a field that allows you to search for a question without requiring you to scroll through the list.
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